Los Angeles Stock Footage Can Save You Time And Money

Los Angeles stock footage can save you time and money if you make videos and need a clip that shows a popular city venue. Stock footage are short clips and photos that you can download online or buy from a catalog from a company that collects them, gets the copyright to them and makes them available for a fee. One of the most popular Los Angeles stock footage requests is the Hollywood sign put up in the 1920s and restored in the 1990s. It is often seen in old movies like "Sunset Boulevard." It would be prohibitively expensive for someone making a short commercial or rock video in Minneapolis to go to Los Angeles to film the sign. If they wanted to show it as it was in the 1930s, it would be impossible. A stock footage company makes it easy, quick and affordable to finish the video with just the right scenes. If a company that specializes in stock footage can't match exactly what you are looking for, they will probably be able to suggest very similar clips that will work just as well. If you want a shot of an earthquake it Los Angeles, they might suggest intercutting scenes of tourist sights in the city with clips of swaying homes and offices. You can put together your video of Los Angeles falling apart in an earthquake from the comfort of your home on the east coast with the help of a simple, inexpensive download. Share